sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Week 7: Biology student

Who are the persons that study biology? when they finished their studies they are called like biologist. But in this case i don't going to talk about  this. In this week i am going to talk about biology student and the experience between studies.The first week in university,is when you feel good but scared because is something new. Then you realize that you are in university,and you have to take this very serious. But then someone tells you that your professor of biology, chemistry or a different type of science  is the worst. When you get the first exam of your concentration, you know that you study very much,but when you saw the exam, you can know why the people told you that the professor was the worst. Then after the exam you are going to see three types of people, there are those who go and get a beer, then are the people that are frustrated because they not understand the test and finally those ones that know that get an A in the exam.

When you are a biology student, is much more then go to class. You have to get involve and love the biology because is very hard to study. Its not impossible but you have to fight for what you want like all the things in life. I say this because I am currently a student of biology at UPR Cayey and believe me its hard but you learn to love it. I took this theme because so much people thinks that science are impossible or very difficult. They are correct only in one of those two, that is the part of difficult.All in this life is possible if you want to do it. In life you always are going to found people that are going to judge you or simply are going to tell that you don't have the capacity  to study what you are studying. But you must never allow that those people kills your dreams.

Image retrieved from: www.google.com

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